Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Am Drucilla (Time of the Witches)

I am reluctant and confused
I wonder when the madness will stop
I hear the accusations
I see the young girls beginning to fall ill
I want to save my best friend Gabe
I am reluctant and confused

I pretend that witch craft is fake
I feel lost without Gabe
I touch my old friends hand
I worry about my future
I cry bitter tears
I am reluctant and confused

I understand that Gabe may not live
I say everything will be okay
I dream of a better day
I try to be strong
I hope to see my best friend again 
I am reluctant and confused

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The theme is Time. The book looked interested and I love learning about new things. Especially things dealing with history. I think the story will be about the Salem witch trials and the problems some of the girls faced in that time and the lives of the people.

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Hero.

" A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to preserve and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."- Christopher Reeve
  You don't have to be a super hero to be a hero. Heroes can be everyday people. Just look around you. I'm sure somewhere in your everyday life there are plenty of heroes. I agree with Christopher Reeve. You do not have to be superman to be a hero. Even if you think you aren't special or helping people in life. You are a hero. People like my brother in law who went out to defend our country are everyday heroes.they risk their lives to defend our precious country. The people who take time out of there day to answer your calls and send ambulances to help you are heroes. The brave men and women who risk their lives running into burning building. The doctors in the hospital who could be saving your children's lives are heroes. Just look around you. Heroes are everywhere. Even if they don't always wear a cape like superman.